This was an interesting clip from President Obama during his college days. This women was kind enough to hold off until after the election, but what a find this is.
Friday, May 29, 2009
President Obama in College
Barack Obama,
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Sunday, May 24, 2009
Cover of The Science of Getting Rich
I have been taking time to allow the practice of PRESENCE to settle within me, and come about when I can. It is so amazing, restful, peaceful, and almost magical how it makes me feel.
I am sharing my reading time now,with "The Power of Now," and "The Science of Getting Rich." The merge of the two books is filling me with such powerful and believable thoughts, it has gotten me back to complete my book project, which I hope will be done before June 26, 2009, which is the Anniversary of the deaths of my two family members; the book is to honor.
The books have given me an entirely new approach to the content and it is coming rather quickly,I am totally enjoying this process. I love my life at this very moment. How is yours? Get your hands on these two books and see how everything around you begins to change, when you begin to change.
I hope you will come back and let me know.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Cover of Power of Now
I’m reading the “Power of Now,” by Eckhart Tolle, and this morning I was reading Chapter five where he is talking about The State of Presence and he suggests that one should try a little experiment. “Close your eyes and say to yourself: “I wonder what my next thought will be?” Then be very alert and wait for the next thought. Be like a cat watching a mouse hole. What thought is going to come out of the mouse hole?” and he suggests to try it now. So as I was on my walk tonight with Willie Nelson playing in my ears, I remembered the thought, so I let it run through my mind and in the next instance, I turned my head to the left and out of nothing, and nowhere there was a tiny, perfect white flower. I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. How beautiful. The best part is that I got to experience PRESENCE as he describes it in Chapter 5, and the reward was so beautiful, one tiny little white flower out of nowhere standing there just waiting for my mind to quiet enough to notice it. You can be sure my neighbors are thinking I’m crazy now (not that I care), but here I am doing my power walk laughing right out loud. It was beautiful, absolutely beautiful. It’s not like I have never seen anything like that before, but in PRESENCE it is just so alive.
Earlier in the day I was sitting with my friend Beverly and a yellow butterfly skimmed past us. She said “Hi, Vi.” and then explained to me that that is how her sister Violet comes to her,” and then she asked me if I had seen the Oriole this morning and I had so say no, I missed it. I then asked her if she had seen the Cardinal that had been around lately because I believe that is how my sister comes to me. Five minutes later, I was at the laundromat at the front of our complex and when I parked the car, the cardinal flew right past me, and I said, Hi Judi.”
Life is so amazing when you open your mind and eyes to the beauty that surrounds us every minute of everyday. Try Tolle’s experiment and see what you come up with. I hope you experience is as wonderful as mine was.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
"If you change the way you look at things,
the things you look at change."
— Dr. Wayne Dyer: Self-development author and speaker
I read this in an email this morning from Nightingale-Conant and it slapped me right in the face. I joked with my friend Michele about this yesterday, but it really wasn't funny. I use humor to take the sting off the things I know I am still floundering with, but need to change. I jokingly said to her, "seriously what do I have to do, be psychoanalyzed?" That was a question about an addiction I have developed to replace smoking 3 1/2 packs of cigarettes and a bottle of alcohol 2 years ago, with of all things, potato sticks.
I learn something new everyday, I try something new everyday, I know what my plans are but putting them down and moving toward them is truly frightening when one begins to believe the dream may actually come true, and you may actually have to do the work. The synchronicities become so overwhelming, you cannot decide where to begin. The beginning or the end.
Many years a go I was given an opportunity to make a dream come true and was moving everyday in the direction of its completion,amidst great defeat and turmoil, but I chose to take care of my mother at the time (she was sick with Cancer, and asked me to care for her at home) and leave the dream behind. The funny thing is, I was grieving for the loss of my child, (tomorrow is the Anniversary my child's passing) but I was fully believing that I was moving in the direction of my dream,seeing it coming to fruition; and the night before I went to stay with my mother, the one thing missing in the dream...came face to face with me,(the major financing) and I had to say, no. I still wonder if that was self-sabotage or was I just doing the right thing by leaving it all behind to be a good daughter, and a good mother. Well, today is when I stop wondering about it and start moving forward in my dream. Win or lose, pass or fail, it begins today.
I am in the process of creating a blueprint for a day program for high functioning adults debilitated from disabilities, either physical or mental. When I first became debilitated with Agoraphobia 4 years ago, there were no programs like this available for me in my community. I want to create that program and I am taking the first baby steps toward it with a new Social Network that I am creating called "The Prayer Chest." The purpose of the Network is to sell the book "The Prayer Chest," and use the minuscule proceeds from those sales to fund the creation of the program. I am looking to sell 1 million copies. The proceeds are only like 6 cents from the sale of each book, but the authors(2 ministers) will reap the benefit of the sales and I will be able to fund this community project. Please let others know and ask them to come here and click on the link to purchase the book from, or go to my Craft Blog and purchase it there. There is a vital and necessary need for this program in my community and I want to payback for the help that I have gotten by re-creating the resources I used to find recovery. I believe I can do this, and I believe that it will benefit my commjunity greatly and maybe other communities as well. Please sendd this to a friend or pass it along any way you can. Please, people need this program.
"If you change the way you look at things,
the things you look at change."
— Dr. Wayne Dyer: Self-development author and speaker
I read this in an email this morning from Nightingale-Conant and it slapped me right in the face. I joked with my friend Michele about this yesterday, but it really wasn't funny. I use humor to take the sting off the things I know I am still floundering with, but need to change. I jokingly said to her, "seriously what do I have to do, be psychoanalyzed?" That was a question about an addiction I have developed to replace smoking 3 1/2 packs of cigarettes and a bottle of alcohol 2 years ago, with of all things, potato sticks.
I learn something new everyday, I try something new everyday, I know what my plans are but putting them down and moving toward them is truly frightening when one begins to believe the dream may actually come true, and you may actually have to do the work. The synchronicities become so overwhelming, you cannot decide where to begin. The beginning or the end.
Many years a go I was given an opportunity to make a dream come true and was moving everyday in the direction of its completion,amidst great defeat and turmoil, but I chose to take care of my mother at the time (she was sick with Cancer, and asked me to care for her at home) and leave the dream behind. The funny thing is, I was grieving for the loss of my child, (tomorrow is the Anniversary my child's passing) but I was fully believing that I was moving in the direction of my dream,seeing it coming to fruition; and the night before I went to stay with my mother, the one thing missing in the dream...came face to face with me,(the major financing) and I had to say, no. I still wonder if that was self-sabotage or was I just doing the right thing by leaving it all behind to be a good daughter, and a good mother. Well, today is when I stop wondering about it and start moving forward in my dream. Win or lose, pass or fail, it begins today.
I am in the process of creating a blueprint for a day program for high functioning adults debilitated from disabilities, either physical or mental. When I first became debilitated with Agoraphobia 4 years ago, there were no programs like this available for me in my community. I want to create that program and I am taking the first baby steps toward it with a new Social Network that I am creating called "The Prayer Chest." The purpose of the Network is to sell the book "The Prayer Chest," and use the minuscule proceeds from those sales to fund the creation of the program. I am looking to sell 1 million copies. The proceeds are only like 6 cents from the sale of each book, but the authors(2 ministers) will reap the benefit of the sales and I will be able to fund this community project. Please let others know and ask them to come here and click on the link to purchase the book from, or go to my Craft Blog and purchase it there. There is a vital and necessary need for this program in my community and I want to payback for the help that I have gotten by re-creating the resources I used to find recovery. I believe I can do this, and I believe that it will benefit my commjunity greatly and maybe other communities as well. Please sendd this to a friend or pass it along any way you can. Please, people need this program.
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