God I am so grateful for the Spring. I just came in from a 40 minute power walk and the whole time I was out there, with Willie playing in my ears, I was thinking, "How do you know me so well, Willie? The simple pleasure of "Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain", motivating me to smile at everything and everyone I saw. The pace picks up a little with "If You've Got The Money, I've got The Time", and pure bliss flows through me with "Georgia on My mind", watching this Magnolia ready to bloom. "Blue Skies" made me walk with my head pointed at the sky, talking to the Universe, although "within". Universe, Thank You for this beautiful day, and the power to leave my home, and go out into the world, and enjoy the pure essence of "within."
I guess "My Heroes Have always Been Cowboys," brought me around another bend with anticipation of "On The Road Again," and a respite of "Always On My Mind", played as I watched this little, beautiful, blonde, pony tailed, little imp walk past me with 3 tiny little water balloons, reminding me of the first beautiful day of every Spring when I would go out and buy balloons and let the kids fill them up, as a celebration of the season, and the start of school vacation. By the time my mind moved past this beautiful child, "Always on My Mind" was helping me reminisce about the kids and the balloons. It is knock out, gorgeous days like this, that put pure joy in every one of us, and sharing it with water balloons and the kids was the purest of life.
"City of New Orleans", reminded me of my oldest getting married in New Orleans, and not telling anyone, until they got back, but my son was lucky that Willie, followed up with "Forgivin You Was Easy."
"Living In The PromiseLand", finished up my walk as I circled my neighbors gardens to see what Spring had left on their doorstep this year. A beautiful array of tiny, little, beginnings of perfect miracles that will share their joy with them, through into the Fall again.
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