“A Step Of Failure Overcome.” “One Step Toward Success.” She says, “If you have never failed then your life is too small”
I immediately understood what she meant, I have always believed that there is a blessing in every experience and we always come out stronger, having learned something of great benefit to us every time. I sadly think I have to modify that to some of us come out stronger. We should all be aware enough of that but we all perceive things through our own experiences and our own mind, so naturally our experiences are different. I am blessed that I see the blessing on the other side of the grief, sadness, loss, pain, death. I hope to share that message as much as I can because that knowledge is one the most poignant things we should already know. Sadly, we all do not. So take her message and share it with as many as you can, and watch in your own life for the blessing on the other side, it is always there, sometimes it takes awhile for the pain to fade a bit first, but if you watch, you will see it, hear it or know it, in your own time.
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