Friday, February 22, 2008


"And the true realism, always and everywhere, is that of the poets: to find out where joy resides, and give it a voice far beyond singing. For to miss the joy is to miss all."
Robert Louis Stevenson

Magazine: Mission Statement

The above quote is taken from The Mission Statement that I receive from Oprah’s newsletter everyday.

While reading, “A New Earth, Awakening To Your Life’s Passion,” by Eckhart Tolle, thoughts like the one above, pass through my mind frequently in the course of my day.

When you apply The Law of Attraction to your life, joy comes to the surface and habitually stays there, making each moment of your reality, greater in size, day by day. The struggle to remain happy, becomes less of a struggle. The shift in your mind set is finding a place of rest in your mind. It becomes an old friend, as did, defeat, despair and depression. They are all replaced with new scenarios, as dreams come true, everyday.

My friend Kristine stopped by today, and brought with her, the envelope that the brochure of note, came in. Her husband still thinks I have a trick up my sleeve, but Kristine is living the Law of Attraction and her life is becoming not just tolerable, but steady and peaceful. She knows that all she needs is within her grasp, and a simple shift, will keep her there. I have never seen her so sure of herself, and we do a great deal more laughing than we ever did before. Living The Law of Attraction has helped us find a sense of humor about everything.

Joy , happiness, and abundance of all, are only a matter of changing how you think about things. Getting up everyday and having to struggle, just to feel happy, is old and over used. Change your thoughts to optimize happiness in your life, and you will never want to go back. Your mind will have only one direction, forward, closer to your dreams coming true. So Remember this:

Make a choice to watch it, read it or live it…but at least try it, and remember this:

Thoughts do become things.
Miracles are all around us.
Ask, Believe and you will receive.
It all begins with baby steps.

P.S. Have . you tried the “Self Esteem File” yet, I think that Therese Borchard’s file is a great idea. You just ask your friends to write a letter that states how they see you, what they think of you, what kind of person you are, and then you live and believe the positive things people say about you. It would give you a great kick start to applying LOA. Give it a try.

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