I have spent today, off and on studying, “The New Earth, Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose” by Eckhart Tolle. Since I heard Wayne Dyer speak on Ellen yesterday, the philosophy they share( Tolle and Dyer) is keeping me focused on understanding more. When I was introduced to “The Secret,” I found a new language, and many thoughts to modify behavior, already planted in my mind. The philosophy, that Tolle and Dyer share is another step in the Laws of the Universe that is so intriguing, but I find, have also already been planted in my mind just in different words. I have recently read the "Science of Getting Rich", by Wallace Wattles and am still reading “Think and Grow Rich”, by Napoleon Hill. Having been labeled a great deal of my life for my unique view of things, I am both happy and relieved to hear these ideas. I feel validated and assured that my awareness is exactly that…awareness.
We should all take a look at eastern philosophies that people have studied for centuries, and learn to apply them to our everyday life. By doing this, maybe instead of trying to end wars or prejudice, eventually there will be no wars or prejudice. It will take a strong voice and a lot of reading but we should all continue to educate ourselves about the mind and the abilities we have overlooked or misunderstood for centuries. I know that when I began this journey my focus was different, and now that I have changed direction, I feel that my purpose is in service of others, and I have begun that with “The Secret”and will continue through The Law of Attraction, and directly to the other Laws of The Universe.
I hope that as many as possible will be on the Oprah Book Club Class Monday night. I’ll see you there! And please join me here or on any of my blog sites to hear more on The Law of Attraction, especially how you can help to spread the word.
Make a choice to watch it, read it or live it…but at least try it, and remember this:
“The Secret”
Thoughts do become things.
There are no coincidences.
Miracles are all around us.
Ask, Believe and you will receive.
It all begins with baby steps.
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